Dear Knananites,
Knanaya church is blessed by being made of many people who care deeply about it. Any time that people care deeply about something, it is inevitable that some conflict will ensue. Conflict is a natural, healthy part of community life, and if handled responsibly, will lead to further growth. But it is incumbent upon each of us, as Knanaya Christians, to be responsible about the way we participate in conflict. In our parish community, we must each approach conflict in a way that is consistent with our beliefs, with our baptismal vows, with the teachings of Christ in Scripture.
There are certain matters over which St.Paul was willing to fight to death –
1. the truth of the gospel (that Christ died for us),
2. the resurrection of Jesus and
3. the Lordship of Christ .
These are examples of non-negotiables. However, Paul writes here that there are other things that are not nearly so important. They are ‘disputable matters’ or secondary matters. Secondary matters are important, but not as important as what unites us all: ‘For the kingdom of God is not a matter of Supreme court, constitution and cases, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’. This is what really matters. Let us not get caught up in arguments about secondary matters, which divide the church and put off those outside the church.
Begin, continue and end by reaffirming that we are in a covenant relationship with one another as a Christian community and that we want the relationship to continue. Trust that God wants for us to remain in community and trust and allow the Holy Spirit to assist in the process. Reconciliation -- not victory, not vengeance -- should always be your goal. Above all, remain focused on who we are and the reasons why we are here together in this community.
Vinod Kuriakose