Dear Knananites,
Spiritual authority is an unavoidable part of our lives. We want to think of ourselves as independent, rational creatures - and to an extent we are. But that is not all we are. We also place ourselves under the influence of spiritual authorities, whether earthly or heavenly. This submission can be good or bad, but it is surely a fact. Ignoring it will not make it go away. Spiritual authority gives people cues about what is important and what is not. It orients a person's life to some ends rather than others. In short, this authority forms people's spirits and so is "spiritual" whether it is good or bad, secular or religious.
The New Testament insists that there are to be leaders in a religion, that they are to be recognized, and that their existence and ministry is important to the health of the religion. The New Testament urges believers to accept the structures they find themselves under in the political and economic realms rather than fight against them. In all these areas we are exhorted to take up a meek demeanor toward the power structures of the religion as we find them. In short, we are not to fight the structures of life, but to flow with them, and in this sense to "submit" to them.
Pray for the Priesthood and do not attack a Priest. Remember no one is perfect.
Thanks & Regards,