In 1985 an all - India project was conducted under the name " People of India project". This project was aimed at creating an anthropological profile of all the communities in India, the impact on them of change and the development process, and the links that bring them together.
As part of this all-India project an ethnographic survey of all the 225 communities of present-day Kerala was taken up. The result of the study discussed in 1986- 87 says, "One of the source from which Kerala derives its identity is from its ethnic and cultural streams coming from across the seas". Knanaya culture, which has come from Jewish Christian traditions, has influenced dress, cuisine, elements of life- cycle ceremonies, folk religion and folklore of kerala. Knananites by their eclectic traditions and culture has contributed to the identity, change and development of state of kerala. The study says in no time the community integrated with the native Indian culture.
Besides following their own rituals and customs, knananites absorbed some Hindu customs. Early traces of Hindu culture can be noted in the following knanaya customs. 1.A new - born baby is fed with powdered gold mixed with honey after its birth. 2.A child beginning to learn the alphabet is made to write the first letter with its finger in raw husked nice.