Dear Fellow Knananite,
Today we Knanaites live all around the world. We are a truly cosmopolitan group of people. Knananites have settled down in the countries of their adoption and still maintain their identity and pride. The future for our children appears even brighter.
Whilst the disappearance of the Knanaya Christians has been predicted many times, it appears that the Knananites, as a group, are not dying out. Rather than disappearing we are now witnessing substantial interest in the maintenance of our community and history. In the past the Knananites have repeatedly produced individuals who have chronicled our history by analyzing and solving our problems. Today, it appears that we have reached just such a point once more.
There is a small group of Knananites who suffer. Many of us are unaware of the extent and degree of their poverty. Most of us are too busy to spare a thought for these unfortunate brethren. The fact is there are poor and deserving Knananites existing and the fact is they are not being helped sufficiently. This is our community, these are our brethren. Depending on what we do in the coming few years, we believe history and our children will judge us, either as a caring and compassionate community, or as a selfish and callous one.
I think it is part of a culture to take care of our less fortunate. Do we Knananites have that culture? As a community we shy away from discussing such issues - too sensitive, too political - and so the problem does not get better and the suffering continues. With our numbers who are fortunate, we can easily cover those left behind who need help. We cannot expect other agencies and institutions to look after our community, even though many are providing much help. Throughout the world, people help their community after their family. We are a Christian community and the essence of Christianity is helping our fellow human being - and when this fellow human is a person from our own community the need to help becomes imperative.
Thanks & regards,
Vinod Kuriakose (Chennai)